Your gutters are one of the most important pieces of protection in your home. Without properly functioning gutters, you can expect to see issues with your roof, issues with your foundation and even issues with erosion around your property! With all of these easily preventable problems, you would think that more people would choose to be aware of their gutters, and yet, our gutters are often ignored until these severe problems have already surfaced. Here at Gorilla Gutters, we want to help ensure that your gutter repairs aren’t going neglected. Here are a few signs it’s time to make gutter repair a priority:
- Gutters pulling away from soffits. Your gutters should be firm and flush with your soffits. When they start to pull away, not only are you potentially letting water through, but you are also enabling water and damage to seep into areas where it shouldn’t be.
- Water dripping from the top of gutters. This is often a sign of clogged gutters. When your gutters are too full or damaged that they aren’t able to utilize the downspouts, that water has to go somewhere on those rainy days! A sure sign of gutter repairs that you can’t skimp out on is when water is overflowing from the tops of your gutters.
- Mold or water in attic or basement. If your gutter repairs have been neglected long enough that there is already evidence of water issues in your attic or basement, now is the time to act!
To learn more about gutter repairs for your home or office, please contact us here at Gorilla gutters today!